
Our 学生的行为 System supports the educational mission of the University through educating students about appropriate behavior and fostering a community in which academic success can occur. 进一步, we seek to inspire the development of future leaders and responsible citizens by engaging students in responsible and ethical decision-making. 学生 are treated with respect and expected to take appropriate responsibility for their behavior and the behavior of those around them. The 学生的行为 System is designed to fairly and equitably address behavior that has a negative impact on the University so that all can comfortably live, 工作, 在一个非常正直的学术团体学习.


  • 维持一个有利于所有学生学业成功的环境.
  • 保护大学所有成员的权利.
  • To provide a disciplinary process in which participants experience personal growth and appreciation for the responsibilities of living in a community.


学生 who are responsible for violating University policy and/or procedure will be assigned an appropriate sanction based on the nature of the violation, 违规的严重程度, 学生的行为记录, 及/或操守主任确定的其他准则.

制裁通常是基于类似案件的先例. 然而, 因为没有两个案例或学生是完全相同的, 对于看似相似的事件,制裁可能会有所不同.

Conduct officers have been trained to determine appropriate sanctions and do not frivolously assign sanctions. They take their jobs very seriously and seek to find education-based solutions to deter future problem behavior and/or reconcile inappropriate behavior.

有关可能的制裁的更多信息,请参阅 学生手册.


大学遵循正当程序, 怎样才能公平公正地处理学生的案件. An important component of due process is the ability to file an appeal if certain conditions are met. Review the following information and the 学生手册 for a detailed explanation of the appeals process.


If the hearing officer or University 学生的行为 Board determines that you are responsible for the charge(s), you may appeal your case within seven business days of the receipt of the hearing officer or board’s written decision. 只有在下列情况下才可提出上诉:

  • 没有也不可能提交给听证官的新证据
  • A procedural irregularity by the hearing officer that had a substantial impact on or otherwise prejudiced the determination made by the hearing officer. 

首先, 查看学生手册中的申诉政策. You must then file a written request, based on the criteria outlined in the 学生手册. 有关上诉聆讯主任的姓名, 跟最初审理你案子的操守官商量一下. 收到你的来信, the conduct review officer will make a preliminary decision to accept or reject the case based on the evidence you present in support of one or more of the appeals criteria. You will receive a letter from the conduct review officer with his/her decision on your appeal request. 如果请求被批准,您将安排一次上诉审查的预约.

有关上诉程序的更多信息,请查看 学生手册.


Having a mission to advance the quality of human life and the commitment to create a positive and supportive academic community, 该大学对酒精和其他毒品采取了一种公共卫生理念. 政策, 的指导方针, 行为反应, 援助体系的建立就是为了支持这一理念.

正规澳门赌场网络力求创造一个促进健康的校园环境, responsible living; affirms civility; and is consistent with 状态 and federal law and institutional regulations governing behavior. 大学向社会成员提供明确的期望声明.

The University is also committed to assisting those individuals exhibiting behaviors reflecting mis使用 or ab使用 of alcohol and other drugs through the availability of assessment and referral mechanisms. 同时, it should be understood that being under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be accepted as an exc使用 for violations of the University Conduct Code or policies.

UNE does not permit or condone the illicit or unauthorized possession (including empty alcohol containers), 使用, 制造业, 消费, 出售, or distribution of illicit drugs and/or alcohol by students or employees on University-owned or controlled property or as part of any University-sponsored activity. 学生个人对遵守联邦规定的行为负责, 状态, 当地法律以及学校的毒品和酒精政策.

The University respects students' privacy and autonomy and assumes that they will behave legally and responsibly. In keeping with the University's commitment to public health as relates to alcohol and other drug 使用/ab使用, 当违反法律和/或政策引起学校官员的注意时, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken and may include notification of a parent or guardian. 这种纪律处分可包括“制裁”一节所界定的任何制裁." In addition, these persons may be referred to proper law enforcement authorities for prosecution.

任何教师, 专业人员, or student employee engaged in activities supported by a federal grant or contract must report any criminal conviction related to possession or 使用 of a controlled substance in the 工作place to UNE's Office of Human 资源 within five (5) calendar days of conviction. The term "conviction" means a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) and/or imposition of a sentence by any conduct body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of 状态 or federal criminal drug statutes. The University is obligated to notify the appropriate federal contracting agency within ten (10) days of receipt of notice of an employee conviction.

读了 学生手册,了解更多正规澳门赌场网络正规澳门赌场网络的酒精和毒品政策 并了解 在我们的学生咨询中心提供药物滥用咨询服务.